Welcome to me.rainywhile.net! This is a simple page to link to my various homes on the Internet.
Contact me
Gemini Capsule
This Web page doesn't have a lot of content, as I prefer the
Gemini Protocol. You can visit my main Gemini capsule via the link below.
If you don't have a Gemini client, there are a wide variety of options available. I personally use
Lagrange and
Kristall. If you don't want to (or can't) install a Gemini client, you can use a web-based proxy, such as
this one.
I enjoy taking photos, mostly of nature and/or architecture. You can view my photos on my gemini capsule (see above), on my personal photo website or on Tumblr or Flickr. I don't really use Flickr's social features, but it
supports higher-resolution images than Tumblr.
My personal photo site
I occasionally make games in zero-code tools like
Bitsy or
Pulp, which will then be posted on itch.io.
Toki Pona
Toki Pona is an extremely small
constructed language, with simple grammar and a
vocabulary of just 137 essential words. I have a small Gemini capsule written entirely in Toki Pona, which is also (mostly) mirrored on the Web.
Web mirror
Back in 2013 I made a game called Tileogo for the doomed
Playstation Mobile (PSM) platform. It's no longer possible to buy the game legally, but I
was pleased to find that someone has apparently made an archive of all the PSM games and tools ever released. You would have thought that a multi-billion-dollar global company like Sony could continue to run a small online
service like PSM for more than the pitiful three years they managed, but apparently not. Note that even if you're one of the ~35 people who bought the game when it was available for sale, you can't actally re-download your
purchase via any official channels.
Please be aware that I've not verified the downloads and have no connection to the site that I link below, so visit at your own risk. Remember that not all developers will be happy for you to download their games from this site!
If there's a version of a PSM game that's available on another platform, please buy that instead, to support the developers.